The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts 30th Symposium - Interview with Bright Sheng
Bright Sheng interview - The Intimacy of Creativity
Wowing corset-donning audiences with a performance by day, furiously scratching notes with a quill by night. These were the lives of the master musicians like Beethoven and Mozart, whose compositions are still relevant and popular centuries later. But since the mid-20th Century, a chasm has opened, with composers sticking to composing and performers sticking to performing, neglecting the frustrations of both parties and the potential of a collaborative relationship. Professor Bright Sheng decided to address this modern problem by creating The Intimacy of Creativity festival, now in its 4th year. The festival brings together both distinguished and emerging composers with world renowned performers... Read More
-- Laurel Chor, Bright Sheng interview for Time Out HK, April 28, 2014